Our ventilation equipment installed in the world

Proyectos de ingeniería en el mundo desarrollados por AMT

The activity of AMT is linked to a wide range of sectors among which are, to mention some of the most relevant, biomass, paper, steel, petrochemical, cogeneration, agro-industry, glass or the chemical sector. For all of them, it works supplying customized equipment with absolutely specific requirements depending on the final destination of the product. For example, fans with regulating valves for the petrochemical industry according to specifications under the API 560 standard. 160 kW draft fans for operation at 350ºC for Biomass industry. And equipment manufactured for atmospheres classified ATEX.

In the Dominican Republic, AMT has delivered 34 fans for a water treatment plant, which means entering this demanding sector.

Similarly, the wide range of applications in which these teams fit, has allowed the company to enter into power generation plants in Asia and Europe, in air filtration projects in Saudi Arabia, in several treatment plants also in Europe, as well as in thermosolar plants in Africa and Central America.


Some of our Engineering projects.


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